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School Life

Library’s Music Therapy Week

2023-11-23 Nov, 2023

To ease the stress and tension of studying, the Music Department and the School Library co-organized Library's Music Therapy Week activities for our students from November 21-23.


During lunchtime, nearly ten S.3-S.5 students were invited to play instruments such as the keyboard (electronic piano), violin, viola, and flute at the library to create a leisurely atmosphere for the visitors.


Moreover, booths were set up at the library, allowing students, regardless of their familiarity with music, to participate in music games aimed at improving their sense of rhythm, exploring different music genres, and creating a short song with only 4 bars.


New books related to music were prominently displayed, covering areas of musical knowledge, instruments, and fiction, providing students with a broad and deep learning experience.


Through active engagement in music activities, we witnessed students effectively relieving their stress by enjoying music. So, let music become a part of your daily life—it truly helps!