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School Life

S.1 Adaptation Programme cum “Big Brothers and Big Sisters” Opening Ceremony

2023-09-12 Sep, 2023

The S.1 Adaptation Programme with the commencement of “The Big Brothers and Big Sisters Scheme” was held on 12th September.


In his address, Principal Chui encouraged S.1 students to make the most of all learning and other learning experiences opportunities available to ensure a balanced, fulfilling secondary education journey.


Principal Chui, Vice Principal Mr. Wong, teachers and the big brothers and sisters then had their photo taken with the S.1 students, who united to form the word "GIFT" - a symbolic gesture representing that everyone is gifted.


Our School Social Workers, Ms. Li and Mr. Wong, next engaged all students in lively icebreaker games that promoted interactions across the form. Laughter and cheer could be heard throughout the hall as the “bigs” and “littles” bonded over shared interests and got to know one another on a personal level.