

Micro:Bit Creative Design Competition

23 Jul, 2022

Two groups of Secondary 3 students from our school, 3C Or Wing Lam, 3C Tang Wing Tung, 3C Chow Tsz To, 3C Kee Chun Lai, 3C Wu Chun Hei, 3D Chung Tsz Wan, 3D Shum Tsz Man and 3D Ng Cho Lam, participated in the Micro:Bit Creative Design Competition organised by eClass STEM in July 2022. They composed a video with the interviews of different stakeholders in the school to find out areas for improvement in the school. Based on their needs, the students designed micro:bit devices which helped to solve problems with the use of technology. Both groups obtained Merit awards, and congratulations to the award-winning students.